Monday, January 31, 2011

Palm Springs

We stayed in the Palm Springs area for a few weeks. We stayed at a resort named Desert Hot Springs. It was a little cool while we were there but the hot tubs were really nice and even under cover to keep the wind out. Besides seeing Josuha park we played in a few of the indian casinos in the area. While there I won $400 so I decided to use some of it to get my new smart phone. It's like a little mini computer and does so much I'm still learning about it. We did go and visit an area called 29 palms it was out in the middle of the desert and there were a bunch of palms. Signs told you while walking in the area that yoiu may encounter cougars and what to do if you did. We didn't see any thank goodness. Here's a few pics taken.
From here we left and headed to the Yuma area. We stayed two nights at the Que Casino as we wanted to go to the Welcome winter visiters party in Algodones Mexico and we couldn't check into our RV resort for a couple days and this was really close to the Mexican border. It was a fun day. The had mexican food and drinks for free and gave away lots of prizes and had none stop entertainment. Here's a few pictures,
We then met up with Garth and Beverly at the Pilot Knob Resort.

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I'm a wife and been married for 31 years. I'm a mom of 6 kids 4 boys and two girls and a grandma to 11, grandkids. My favorite thing in the whole wide world is to spend time with them. We have a monthly family dinners where we all get together and have dinner. We take turns whose house it's at and then if it's at your house you fix the main dish and everyone else brings what they are assigned to bring. We have a wheel that tells us what we bring. You turn it to the one whose house it's at and then it shows you what you are to bring. It works great and I look forward to it very much. We also take a family trip, usually camping somewhere. It's always great fun. I'm a huge Utah JAZZ fan and like going to and watching the games. I like traveling and making jewelry and doing crafts.